Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Glad I'm 18 already.........

So Annie (the neighbor girl who is 13) told me yesterday, that on your 16th birthday you get flour thrown at you. Ok not bad... A little weird but not bad. Then she tells me that when you turn 18... They throw rotting eggs at you. I was like "waht. Wait... Really?" And she's like "yeah too bad you already turned 18" ahahaha yeah... "Too bad". She was actually really surprised that we don't really do that in 'Merica.... Good morning y'all, it's 2:45 here!! 🇩🇪😍😘💋


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. flour and rotten eggs must be a regional thing did not happened on my birthdays I guess I missed out on all the fuuunnn as well. We should do it to the boys though :

  3. we are saving rotten eggs for Perrins 18th birthday ;)

  4. Well that is from one source and who knows. She may have parents like yours that tease you about things.
