Wednesday, January 21, 2015


Here are some pics of Dreetz.... Cute houses, the few shops here (I couldn't go in any because they were all closed) and the cute church and graveyard here
This here is the cutest lil church
Fav place here
Their last name is Teufel which means Devil 😍
Cute cute cute
Tiny market 
Hair dresser 
Tack shop
This place I swear is haunted... All closed up and mirrors in the windows...
See? Mirrors!!
Mirrors in all of them
I never did find the palace or the Japanese garden they promised me.... 😐
Tiny fire station 
Oma and Opa's house from the street
Bigger church 
Museum that was also closed 
Goat friends!!
In the middle of town!!
I just like their paint job
Random cute house
Another cute house
Yet another cute house 😜


  1. Teufel? Well, there is a Hell, Germany. It is south, if I remember correctly. I have a picture of me in Hell, Germany when I was 18 or 19 years old.

  2. Love the photos! We lived in two tiny villages in our days in Germany..some farmers didn't have large plots, so they lived in the villages and traveled back and forth to their farm plots. They would keep their animals in small "barns" or sheds and drive them out to the pastures and back each day. Good memories for me! Thanks!

  3. Wow, Storm, these pictures are great, hope you had fun there!
    -Mary b
